

Add order
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account profile.
  2. action
    1. create
  3. service
    1. ID of the desired type of service, specified in the price list.
  4. quantity
    1. How much you want to order. Not required if comments.
  5. link
    1. Link to where you order service (any format).
  6. comments (optional)
    1. Comments listed with \n
  7. username (optional)
    1. Login of the comment author.


An example of a response with an order number when requesting via API.
Response in JSON format.


For Perfect Panel:
Provider URL: nakrutka.com
API key: Log in

Some services are also available on our separate perfect panel - nakrutka.app

Order status
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account profile.
  2. action
    1. status
  3. order
    1. The order ID specified in the list of your orders.
    2. If the order is not added through your key, then you will not be able to check it.


An example of a response with an order number when requesting via API.
Response in JSON format.

"cancel_info":"Invalid link.",

Multiple orders status
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account profile.
  2. action
    1. status
  3. orders
    1. Order IDs separated by commas.
    2. No more than 1000 orders can be sent at a time.


An example of a response with an order number when requesting via API.
Response in JSON format.

     "status":"In progress",

Order cancellation
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account profile.
  2. action
    1. cancel
  3. order
    1. The order ID specified in the list of your orders.


An example of a response with an order number when requesting via API.
Response in JSON format.


Multiple order cancellations
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account settings.
  2. action
    1. cancel
  3. orders
    1. Order IDs separated by commas in GET or POST.
    2. No more than 1000 orders at a time.


Example of our API response for multiple order cancellations.
Response in JSON.


Запрос докрутки заказа
  1. key
    1. Ваш ключ API, указанный в настройках аккаунта.
  2. action
    1. refill
  3. order
    1. ID заказа, указанный в списке ваших заказов.


Пример ответа нашего API при запросе докрутки.
Отклик в формате JSON.


Проверка баланса
  1. key
    1. Ваш ключ API, указанный в настройках аккаунта.
  2. action
    1. balance


Пример ответа для проверки баланса от нашего API.
Отклик в формате JSON.


List of services
  1. key
    1. Your API key specified in your account settings.
  2. action
    1. services


Example of a response with a list of services.
Response in JSON.

"name":"Instagram Likes [No drop]",
"limit":"300K (100K per day)",

Multiple order creation
  1. key
    1. Тип: GET
    2. Ваш ключ API, указанный в настройках аккаунта.
  2. action
    1. Тип: GET
    2. massorder
  3. orders
    1. Тип: POST
    2. Максимум 500 заказов в одном запросе.
    3. Пример тела в формате JSON:
    4. [{


Response example for multiple order additions.
Response in JSON.

"order_id": "1",
"order": "333250665",
"charge": 1.1
"order_id": "2",
"Error": "Not enough funds."